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Northwest Timber Frames
Cost Benefits of Timber Frame Construction

The number one question is always: how much will it cost? And the answer is always the same: it depends. Generally speaking, timber frame construction is roughly 10-20 percent more than conventional construction, running from approximately $150 per square foot on up, for a turn key operation.

Some of this additional cost will be offset by the much better energy efficiency of the timber frame home (studies show from 20-50 percent savings) and its potential for the resale value to rise.

Other factors that can also influence the final price of the home include the size of the structure, the type of wood, the style of windows and doors, the floor coverings, the cabinetry and the complexity of the roof framing. The region where the house is being built and the always-unpredictable market forces also play a part, as well as whether you use a professional home designer or an architect.

Our mission is to help you get a well built and long-lasting home that fits your budget and expectations.

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Phone: (360) 341-1354
Email: Jeff@nwtimberframes.com
Fax: (360) 341-2458

© Timber Frame Homes, Inc
Last updated on December 31, 2008